Be sure to confirm with your SM to understand all of your marketing benefits. Pending your sponsor level, some assets may not be applicable.
All participant-developed (Sponsor, Restaurant, Venue, etc.) press releases mentioning the Festival MUST be approved by Melanie and Andrea prior to distribution. The Festival requires 3-5 business days for approval.
All Festival press-releases can be found HERE
The Media Application process takes place online beginning June 27, 2024, here. Registration closes September 18, 2024.
There are NO exceptions to the media application close date. All sponsors/partners/ etc. are able to invite their media contacts and influencers to apply to cover their involvement at the Festival. Applications must come directly from the media outlet. Submitting an application does not guarantee access, and no media requests can be submitted once the deadline passes.
Due to legal guest capacity and/or inventory control limitations, the Festival will not have guest lists at registration and will not provide access to any members of the media or other guests unless they have been previously approved and ticketed/credentialed by the Festival.
If a sponsor chooses to use their own tickets to invite media to any event, names and outlets must be submitted to Andrea Moreno for approval by September 6 before any invitations are extended.
Press Contact:
Andrea Moreno, Internal Festival PR Contact (
The Festival works with Getty photography to capture on-site photos.
Photography or Filming Requests made by a Sponsor MUST BE APPROVED IN ADVANCE BY Andrea Moreno and Melanie Miller. All parties MUST complete the appropriate Photo/Video Permission Forms (see FORMS page)
Due to exclusivities with the Festival’s title sponsor Food Network, some filming requests may not be granted. Please work with Andrea Moreno on any questions/concerns.
NYCWFF has a very active social media campaign. We need YOUR help to make it as successful as possible for NYCWFF as well as your individual event(s). Please follow/like our pages. You can download promotional graphics at: